Difference between blog and website


What is the difference between blog and a website?

I was wandering this questions from last two months and could not underdstand, though today after searching in the web for more than three hours I got to know perfectely what is a blog and a website
Both blog and website are used to publish content in the internet but these days there are not much differences between these two. Blog is a type of website (Web Log = Blog/ we blog) (Site on web=Web site) you may have also heard about static site and dynamic sites.

Well, What is a blog?

Blogging starts with journaling, where we used blog to publish day to day thoughts & share them with friends, family, colleagues or business purpose.In blog the first page contain recently posted blog post and in the side you will see various link like blog archieve , the content of the blog is arranged in a linear fashion with the latest post on the top.You can use blog for day to day activities, news updates, publish your thoughts, and many more.

So what is the main differences between blog and website?

1. On a website the main page remain static, where as it continuously changes in blog after every post.

2. On blogs you can add comments , where as in website there is rarely you can add comment unless online forum or discussion website.

3. Blogs are updates almost daily

4. Article appearing in reverse-chronological order

5. Frequently crawled by search engine and hence blog gets more traffic than  website.

6. Often covers a wide variety of article.