Host website inside Google Drive


Google provide us initial 15 GB (originally 5 GB) storage space, which can be use for cloud data storage, collaborative file editing like spreadsheets,   file sharing , google docs , we can use this space to synchronize our PC and much more.
You can host a simple website coded with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. But note that, server side  scripting like PHP and  ASP are not supported by Google Drive.  You can host some basic web pages written to provide some information or data to the  people .

Many Social Networking website like  Facebook that supports custom pages and should be served through HTTPS encryption , So Google serve with HTTPS encryption and you can use the drive to save your custom pages.You can also use it as your FTP server by hosting video, audio, software and other data.

Well to host your web pages , you have to create a new folder , change the accessibility of the folder from private to public, so that any one can access the data inside the public folder.
just follow the steps below…

Create a new folder

Right click , go to ‘share’.

Change the accessibility to ‘Public’

Now drag and drop your web pages inside the folder.

Right click on web page and open with Google drive viewer,

click on preview 

 copy the URL from address bar and share it with the recipients. You may also use the link shortener to shorten the link. Check my sample page that I have hosted in Google drive.

One more thing if you want to use the same webpages but host on a different domain then link the  pages by using a <iframe> tag.But make sure to make the Width and Height of the frame to 100%.
<iframe style=”width:100%; height:100%;”  src=””>

Usage of Google Drive
Host website in Google Drive
Google dive as web host
Use Google drive as FTP server.


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