Factors bothering in the development of India


Do you know india have smart have creative people, most hard working people, well endowed land, a plenty of natural resources and endowring democracy, but why India is still poor after  64 years of indipendence.
Let me tell you the fact, if I say something wrong then try to pardon me. well ...

no doubt India have really hardworking people, sharp minded, plenty of natural resource as I wrote above, I would first blame the corrupted politicians and the whole corrupted administrative departments. They had eaten up our country in the name service they made it professions. The british ruled our country for 200 years and eaten up 50 lakhs crores and some of our bloody politicians ruled our country for just 64 years and eaten up more than 2000 lakhs crores.

They eat the money of common masses like us whose income taxes are cuts befor we get our salary.They eat the money of the poor farmer of our country who contribute their whole life in daily hard labour of farming and hope some day they will earn more, but not they are still same as they were.
If a politician is try to do something for the nation then other compeled him to be corrupted.its hell of politics so I hate it.

Second some people thinks that due to over population Indian is still suffering from poor,look at China, they are more populated than us but they had put us behind in development. Because they think for the development  by developing jobs , services, farming , industries etc, but in India I  sometime hate the resarvation system, I know it is good for the development of the backward casts by reserving jobs rather than creating more jobs, if we create more jobs and services .then the goverment did not need to reserve anything.

Third the slow process in administrative departments.

Now let us compare our self with other.

Do you know the average capiti income of America is $40,000 where as in India it was $822.76  a wide difference.

America persue politics for the wealth creation, where as India persue poltics for the wealth redistribution.

A farmer of America produces foods for itself along with food for more 50 people.But in India??

Things India needs to do for its growth!

First India need to strengthen its base..

Each and every people should be literate.(more than 25% of Indian are still illiteracy)

Supply of electricity (more than 20 percent of rural area does not have supply of electricity)

Development of transport facilities

Creation of more jobs,
Create more jobs rather than reserving jobs,  jobs reservation does'nt increase employment it just employee selected candidate, it does'nt decrease the unemployment rate,

Proper investment of taxes and funds.
The funds and taxes which are collected from us by central government should be utilised in proper way which will worth it.Stop wasting money on bloody corrupted politicians.

Increase competition.
The main force which drive productivity is competetion.A man can enhance his skill by staying competitive.This will not only enhance people skills but it will increase effeciency, effectiveness, it will increase market competetion as well as a way to earn more profit.

Agricultural improvement.
The half of the India's income comes from the agricultural sectors, but still per yeild production is very low as comparision to occupied land for agriculture. Using of technologies, proper irrigation, transport facilities,  HYV seeds can improve it, Teach the farmers to stop traditional way of farming and learn modern way for higher productions.

Encourage foreign investment and trade.
There should be only two criteria for approving foreign investment.will this investment produce jobs in India? will this investment improve quality of products and servies for the Indian consumer? .All investment will bring more jobs and prosperity in india, Because India needs it.
India should allow MNCs to invest in India as it will create more employments.

Cultivate Entrepreneurship.
Enterprenuers are by defination restless and relentless people who always seek better ways of doing things.It is an competetion between enterpreneurs that adds dynamism in the economy.As they suceed for themselves as well as they create jobs and wealth for society,They are the engines that pull the whole economic train along.. Government should ecourage them and let them get more facilities as they needed.
and there are many more efforts that India need to do.............. 

Upgrade with modern technologies where ever and when ever required

my mind is getting empty.

well look at the graph of India's GDP of last few years

"well do you know Indians  working in America have average income of $60,000 for its sharpness and activeness where as  American earns $40,000 in his own country, can you imagine how active we Indians, if we do effort in such manner we can progress a lot and lot. "


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