Review of Windows 8


Windows 8 review, see what changes microsoft has made in this new generation operating system. you can directly download windows 8 from here 

Installation is quite similar and smooth like Windows 7. The first screen looks like modern web interfeace.The 1st step is to give name to your system as like all operating system after that creation and name of user accounts. Then windows 8 moves towards web ,you need to login through your windows live ID if you don't have you have to create. You can also skip this login process.

You know what windows 7 has bright blue colour screen but windows 8 have plesant green screen which will not effect yours eyes so much.

Now the time comes for confusion!! when you will click on the start bar you will think list of programs will be displayed but nope! :) you have to click on start then click on search to find all the application. And its build in conference , it means start typing something and application searching will start, to run any application, suppose to run comand prompt just type "cmd" and hit enter. isnt cool nad time saving?

Windows 8 have two types of application Metro applications made up with javascript and HTML5, and other of old software.

Now another intresting the windows 8 applications does not contain close button!! damm!then how will you close the application??
Here you go, Windows 8 use apple iOS method of program management, in which the application keep running in background and determines the usage.When the application is not in use, it close automatically.

The task manager of windows 8 contains the list of programms which is running, it is a cpmpletely redesgned task manager looks like more powerful than windows 7.

Know what? windows 8 really knows how to copy files :) in windows 7 the average speed of copying files was 25mb/s , now in windows 8, its amazing 80 mb/s, you can also pause copying files and later you can resume after completing heavy task.

Ok buddies, here you go for the summery
Good news!! 
1. New metro style interfeace
2. green screen.
3. Applications have more appealing and clean designes.
4. If you log in to your windows live id, your settings and themes will be sync, no fear of loss.
5. Just type the name of application and it will start searching.
6. New designed and powerful task manager.
7. Knows how to copy files faster :)
8. Faster boot 6 to 8 seconds

The sad news :( :( umm 
1. No easy way to close application. This might engage the computer's memory.
2. lack of all programs.

If i had left something, then people please inform me, I will add.


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